Authorized King James Bible

Here you will find articles intended to aid your understanding of probably the most significant English translation of the Holy Scriptures: the Authorized King James Bible. Below you will find resources dealing with several issues ranging from the text of Scripture, the preservation of God's Word, translation methods, archaic words, divers translations, supposed contradictions, and other subjects concerning Bibliology with a specific emphasis upon the King James Bible.

Desiring God's Pure Words
Sola Scriptura: Some Observations

Problem Texts:

Isaiah 14:12 ~ "Lucifer"
Ecclesiastes 7:16 ~ Be Not Righteous?
Luke 20:16, et al. ~ God forbid?
2 Corinthians 2:17 ~ Corrupt or Peddle?
Hebrews 4:8 ~ Jesus or Joshua?

Archaic Words:

Archaic Words: Questions to Ask
Examination of Archaic Language in the Authorized Version: Introduction

Common Misconceptions:

What Kind of English is the King James Bible?
Revisions of the King James Bible
The Historical King James Only Position
Purified Seven Times
The Apocrypha and the King James Bible
This page was last updated: 2/3/2017
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