Website Under Construction : Abide in the Vine Ministries News
This page was last updated: 2/6/2017
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Welcome to Abide in the Vine Ministries, a website devoted to theological studies intended to help you grow in your walk with Christ. May God be pleased to use this site to encourage you in your faith, increase your understanding of His ways, and kindle your desire to prayerfully meditate upon His word.

Website Under Construction

by DivineCordial on 02/08/14

This website has recently undergone a complete design reconstruction and with it most of the old material was removed. The website had become sort of a hub linking to other articles on the web and it was decided that fresh articles would be placed on the site instead with a simpler design and navigation.

At the present much of the articles are still being written and/or researched, but it is hoped that the material that is present proves edifying. May God's grace abound towards us as we study His word to bring us into greater conformity with His revealed will.

Comments (2)

1. Raina said on 2/5/17 - 09:23PM
Why are there no comments on here?
2. DivineCordial said on 2/5/17 - 09:37PM
Probably because I made the page accessible the other day. :)

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